Bring DAKS to life

The DAKSpro Modular System

Combine any number of application, operating and integration modules to suit your individual use case.

Suitable for demanding scenarios of larger organizations:
Large hospital complexes and university clinics
Large industrial plants and chemical parks
Large utility plants
(e.g., power stations)
Transportation facilities
(e.g., airports, railroad stations and container ports)
... and others

Already included modules in the DAKSpro basic license

Broadcasts & Alerting

Alert and inform in a targeted manner


Act as a team and make qualified decisions

Call Profiles

Stay constantly and quickly reachable

Additionally available DAKSpro modules

On-call Management

Organize on-call services effectively and seamlessly

Info Telephone

Retrieve internal and external information at any time

Intelligent Calling

Filter calls and handle them differently

Personal Security

Protect workers in hazardous areas

DAKS Desktop Client

Employee protection for workplaces with customer contact

DAKS Mobile Client

Trustworthy alerting via smartphone

DAKS Customized Operator

Tailor-made user interfaces for visualized alarm scenarios


Multi-platform messaging with DAKS


with additional hardware
Precise DAKS process control with Node-RED


with additional hardware
Integrate remote peripherals (serial/contacts-to-LAN adapter)


with additional hardware
Mass alerting via loudspeaker systems


Enable calls between separate networks
We have the solution for your requirements

Discuss your individual application project with us

Learn more about the functions of DAKS

Let our application examples inspire you

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