Use Cases
DAKS® Application Examples

Always Provide Up-to-Date Information with Citizen Helpline

Use of a citizen helpline in emergency situations at chemical factories

Malfunctions or failures in large industrial plants, such as chemical factories, carry an increased safety risk. In the event of fires, explosions or the release of hazardous substances, there is always a risk that the population will be affected.

In such cases, current information must be provided to both internal and external parties affected. These should be accessible quickly, easily and across all media. Setting up a citizens hotline is an ideal way to provide information in a accessible manner for citizens of all ages. Furthermore, in a shock situation, an announcement can be far more reassuring for those affected than if they had to do a rushed web search.

This is how you keep citizens in neighborhoods op to date

During malfunctions, the citizen's helpline is the first point of call for affected residents

When a toxic gas leaks at the chemical plant, surrounding neighborhoods are threatened. The employees in the telephone switchboards now have to deal with a flood of calls and questions. Even though the telephone number was announced to all households in the surrounding neighborhoods from the outset, when an incident occurs, additional media attention is drawn to the citizen helpline. Setting up a citizen helpline with the DAKS alarm server automates all processes in the event of such an incident.

Citizens are systematically informed about the required safety measures

All relevant information on the cause, threat and duration of the incident can be recorded ad hoc by the safety officer or emergency manager as an announcement text. In doing so, different announcements can be provided for internal and external callers. After the telephone number has been dialed, a dialog selection can then be played back to certain neighborhoods with safety measures and rules of conduct that apply to them specifically. In this way, as many affected people as possible can inform themselves about the event at the same time, independently of each other and as often as they wish, and find out what they should do for their own safety.

All affected parties are kept up to date

Immediately after a malfunction – depending on the complexity of the particular case – not all facts are always available. The announcement text can therefore be updated accordingly, depending on the development and information available. Consequently, residents and employees are always kept up to date and receive all relevant information on the progress of repair measures and when the incident is likely to be resolved.

In regular operation, prepared announcements are played back

After the malfunction has ended and in normal operation, a prepared greeting such as "There are currently no malfunctions" can be played. During normal operation, general information for visitors or residents may also be provided (e.g., entry requirements, COVID19 rules, parking, etc.). Typical events or minor disturbances without hazards, such as strong noises, flaring of gases, or odor effects may be noticed by residents and cause concern. Announcements can also be prepared for such recurring cases to inform and calm the citizens.

A suitable announcement profile can be called up for every situation

Up to 9 different such announcement profiles can be prepared and made available to the population at the relevant time. For regular events such as noisy maintenance work, switching to the appropriate profile can even be done automatically (time-controlled or via sensor).

Therefore, the citizen helpline can be used for both answering repetitive inquiries on an everyday basis as well as for handling a large number of questions in tense crisis situations.

Advantages of setting up a citizen helpline with DAKS

Increased safety for employees and residents

  • All affected employees and residents are informed for their protection as thoroughly as possible and taken seriously in their concerns.
  • Potential risks for neighbours and employees are reduced and anger as well as uncertainty on the part of the citizens are avoided.
  • By providing a citizen helpline, companies demonstrate a sense of responsibility and neighbourliness.

Relief of employees in tense situations

  • Setting up a citizen helpline with DAKS reduces the workload of employees in your switchboards when incidents cause a high volume of calls from concerned citizens.
  • Extensive information can be provided around the clock, even at times when the telephone switchboard is sparsely staffed, e.g., at night.
  • The lines of the police, fire brigade and rescue services are also kept free for emergencies and requests for assistance.
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