ECS München

Enterprise Communications & Services

We are a medium-sized, owner-managed company in the IT and telecommunications industry. We stand for customer proximity and reliability. Long-term customer relationships and the development of our business are more important to us than fast profit. Our corporate culture is based on the following pillars:

  • Telecom specialization and customer proximity
  • Competent, reliable, motivated and loyal employees
  • Financial solidity and reliability with regard to entrepreneurial statements

Our employees are highly qualified and use an extensive program of further education and training measures. Together, we are well equipped for the future. The management is part of the company and close to the daily tasks, short distances are a matter of course and are our competitive advantage! We take individual care of your concerns and make your work a little easier. Together we want to optimise accessibility, reliability and uncomplicated operability in order to contribute to the business success of our customers. On the way to a modern and innovative world of communication infrastructure, we see ourselves as a reliable partner for our customers.

Enterprise Communications & Services GmbH
Landsberger Str. 218
Contact data
+49 341 23073-100

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