DAKS Function Modules

Broadcasts & Alerting

Alert and inform in a targeted manner

Included in DAKS basic license

DAKS alerts and informs specific individuals or groups of people – simultaneously or sequentially and via various media. DAKS works either independently or in conjunction with host systems that have certified interfaces to DAKS.

Important information is automatically transmitted faster and more securely. Staff become more mobile and are relieved of error-prone, time-consuming and monotonous work.

Brief introduction to the module

Typical application examples

The 911 Call – Help Fast and Effectively after Occupational Accidents

Effectively coordinate first aid and further safety measures even before the emergency physician arrives

Targeted and Automated Alerting in an Industrial Park

Automatically coordinate alerting processes in a breakdown

Unburdening Nurses: Distribution of Nurse Calls

How the connection to nurse call systems makes the nursing profession more attractive again
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