Use Cases
DAKS® Application Examples

Automate Trauma Room Alerting

Faster and more effective processes when it matters most

The procedures in an emergency room are extremely time-critical. When human life is hanging by a thread and an emergency surgery can mean the difference between life and death, fast, structured processes in the trauma room are indispensable.

Yet many administrative tasks are often done by hand. The underlying processes are relevant and essential, but calling individual physicians one by one or tediously filling out printed forms slows down clinical staff and causes stress. Digitizing such processes can save valuable time and also ensure that imperative tasks are processed reliably, even when they are not done manually.

This is how you automate trauma room alerting

The ambulance announces its arrival

David is a staff member in the emergency department of an accident hospital. After a serious accident on a nearby highway, the call from the emergency physician in the ambulance is transferred to David as the person on duty. He is responsible for initiating communication at the hospital.

David fills out the admitting form and DAKS informs the appropriate team

David answers the call and fills out a digital form during the conversation, providing information on the gender, age and condition of the seriously injured person. At the touch of a button, DAKS then creates a coherent announcement text from the form information. When David confirms the text, DAKS automatically calls the necessary doctors and trauma room staff and plays the text back to them as an announcement.

The trauma room team can get organized

The physicians listen to the announcement with the patient data on their way to the operating room and can prepare themselves mentally for the upcoming situation. After listening to the announcement and giving a positive confirmation, they can also be interconnected in a conference. This way, the team can already agree on the right course of action on the way to the trauma room. They know what to expect and arrive prepared.

David can use the time gained to prepare for the arrival of the patient and the team.

The handover from the emergency physician to the waiting trauma room team can also take place even faster and more purposefully thanks to this preliminary preparation via phone.

Benefits of the digitized trauma room alerting with DAKS

Quick help for patients

  • Digitizing communication workflows saves valuable time, which can increase the chances of successful rescuing efforts.
  • The conference call between the specialists and the early receipt of patient data help to ensure that everyone is ideally prepared for the emergency measures.

Relieving the burden on employees

  • No time-consuming calling of indivdual contacts: DAKS takes care of informing the trauma room team completely independently and reliably.
  • Making the best possible use of capacities: Employees can be deployed reasonably and they can help effectively instead of having to sacrifice a lot of time for analog processes.
  • Less paperwork: Admitting forms are digitized and no longer need to be available as a hard copy.
  • Meaningful connection of processes: The completed form is automatically assembled into an announcement that informs all those involved.
  • Better preparation: physicians are mentally prepared and know what to expect in the trauma room.
  • DAKS takes over the logging of communication processes.

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