Swisscom AG

With Work Smart solutions, collaboration is possible in spite of decentralised workplaces

UCC combines telephony, voicemail, e-mail, instant messaging, desktop-sharing, tele- and video-conferencing. You can therefore ensure that your employees are able to collaborate efficiently across company borders.

Work together anywhere: you avoid travelling, save time and thus reduce your carbon footprint by more than 80%.


  • communication anywhere
  • telephony, desktop-sharing, tele- and video-conferencing
  • share and discuss content online
  • ideal for multiple locations

The benefits for you

  • work anywhere as if you were in the office
  • efficient exchange with employees, customers, etc.
  • reduce travel costs and save time
  • increase productivity
Swisscom AG
Müllerstrasse 16/20
Contact data
+41 58 225 88 15