
Privacy Policy for the DAKS Mobile Client (DMC)

Responsible body within the meaning of the law:

tetronik GmbH
Silberbachstr. 10
65232 Taunusstein

Phone: +49 6128 963-0

1. Scope of application

As the provider of the app, we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We always treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and the data protection information described here. When using the app, personal data is collected with which you can be directly or indirectly identified. This privacy policy explains why data is processed, what data is collected and what it is used for.

tetronik GmbH directly and indirectly develops and sells hardware and software products for the DAKS infrastructure. The operation of these products as well as the data processing of the data collected here takes place exclusively on the systems of the end customer and the end devices of the users, processing at tetronik GmbH is excluded. Location/location services must be activated in order to use this app. This data is made available to this app by the operating system of the mobile end device; the use of this data by other products on the end device is possible, but not within the sphere of influence of tetronik GmbH.

2. Data collection and processing

2.1 General

This app logs on to a customer's own DAKS infrastructure via an encrypted connection and transmits the data you have entered as well as location data. Depending on the hardware and operating environment used, the following data can be processed and transmitted:

  • User name and password
  • Phone number
  • IMEI or UDID
  • MAC address
  • Location data (GPS coordinates, mobile phone base stations, WLAN networks)
  • Data from the position and motion sensors, e.g. from the gyroscope (only local processing within the app)

2.2 Data avoidance and data minimization

Only data that is absolutely necessary for the operation of this app and the associated DAKS infrastructure is collected and transmitted. The operation of this app is only possible if you have provided this data yourself.

2.3 Personal data

Personal data is data that can be directly or indirectly assigned to your person. The processing of your personal data only takes place to enable you to use the DAKS infrastructure and the services provided with it. Note: The location data in particular can be used by the operator of the DAKS infrastructure at any time to locate you and analyze your movements.

3. Use and disclosure of personal data and purpose limitation

3.1 General

tetronik GmbH itself does not process any data from this app or the connected DAKS infrastructures. All data collected and determined in this app is transmitted to the DAKS infrastructure operated by the customer in order to perform the following tasks.

3.2 User login

Direct authentication takes place on the customer's own DAKS infrastructure. Access data such as user name, password, IMEI, UDID, MAC address and telephone number are processed for user login. This login is essential for the assignment of the transmitted data.

3.3 Alarm triggering and localization

Alarms can be triggered actively by the user or by sensor values such as position, movement and location. The sensor data remains on the end device and is only used to trigger the alarm.
The data transmitted during the session is encrypted and sent to the customer's DAKS infrastructure, where it is processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (fulfillment of (pre-)contractual obligations).
No data is passed on to other third parties.

4. Information, modification and deletion of your data

In accordance with applicable law, you can request in writing at any time whether and which personal data we have stored about you. We will then send you a corresponding notification. Please direct your inquiries to our data protection officer (see below). You can also have your data corrected or deleted through him.

5. Security of your data

The data collected in this app is protected by suitable technical and organizational means to protect it from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously monitored and improved in line with technological developments and organizational possibilities.

6. Further information

We will be happy to answer your questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the data protection officer at any time. You will find the contact details in the first paragraph of this text and in our general privacy statement at

© tetronik GmbH. All rights reserved.